Iodine Products

Iodine is one of the rarest non-metallic elements and is not naturally found in the liberal state, however, combined with other elements, it is present in rocks, soil, water. Iodine is a very essential element for plants and animals. Iodine occurs in the form of brown-black granules or flakes with a metallic shine and it has a very distinctive odor.

SRD Organics distributes Iodine and its simple salts for animal husbandry, agricultural, pharmaceutical and industrial sectors.


Iodine is quite reactive, but it is much less reactive than the other halogens. For example, while chlorine gas will halogenate carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, and sulfur dioxide (to phosgene, nitrosyl chloride, and sulfuryl chloride respectively), iodine will not do so. Furthermore, iodination of metals tends to result in lower oxidation states than chlorination or bromination; for example, rhenium metal reacts with chlorine to form rhenium hexachloride, but with bromine it forms only rhenium pentabromide and iodine can achieve only rhenium tetraiodide. By the same token, however, since it has the lowest ionisation energy among the halogens and is the most easily oxidised of them, it has a more significant cationic chemistry and its higher oxidation states are rather more stable than those of bromine and chlorine.

Due to its high atomic number and ease of attachment to organic compounds, it has also found favour as a non-toxic radiocontrast material. Because of the specificity of its uptake by the human body, radioactive isotopes can also be used to treat thyroid cancer. It is also used as a catalyst in the industrial production of acetic acid and some polymers.

It is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines.


​Director Scott Dallison

Telephone +44 1670 738911

Unit 59D, South Nelson Road,
South Nelson Industrial Estate,
Cramlington, Northumberland England, NE23 1WF

Company Registration No: 07866807